Customized programs to suit the ever-changing needs of your children.



0-1 Year Olds

From first words to first steps, we make sure our pearls get the care and attention they need to develop their sensory abilities and curiosity in a safe and nurturing environment.



1-2 Year Olds

At this critical age, children are at their most curious. This is why we personalize our program to ensure your children get to explore the growing world and expanding horizons at their own pace.



2-2.5 Year Olds

This program is structured to grow your children's cognitive and deductive abilities, allowing them to ask questions about the world and learn as they go. Their development is critical to our mission.


Pre-K Program

2.5-3 Year Olds

During this program, your child will begin the transition from Nursery to Kindergarten. This means a higher focus on building social skills and problem-solving skills. We help make the move as seamless as possible, ensuring that your child always has the highest level of care.
